What's New
The I-81 Challenge planning study has concluded. The New York State Department of Transportation has initiated the environmental review process for the I-81 corridor; current information on the I-81 project can be found at www.dot.ny.gov/i81opportunities.
The SMTC and NYSDOT are planning numerous events and activities to make the public an integral part of The I-81 Challenge. We've launched a blog and released a series of education presentations, and held a series of public meetings since 2011. Be sure to check back here for more updates.
Summer 2013
- The SMTC publishes White Paper #3, which documents, describes, and synthesizes findings from The I-81 Challenge Public Participation Program from Fall 2011 until its conclusion in August 2013. You can download and read the report and appendices here:
- The SMTC and the NYSDOT publish the May 2013 Public Meeting Summary Report. You can download and read the report and appendices here:
- NYSDOT publishes an I-81 Corridor Study Report as part of The I-81 Challenge.
- The report presents the results of an in-depth study of a 12-mile section of Interstate 81, along with information about the next steps in a comprehensive planning process to develop improvements for the I-81 corridor in the Syracuse area. Comments on the report can be sent via email to I81Opportunities@dot.ny.gov or mailed to New York State Department of Transportation, I-81 Corridor Study Comments, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12232. Comments will carry forward into the next phases of planning and environmental review. The public comment period runs through Monday, July 8. Click here to read the I-81 Corridor Study Report.
- The report presents the results of an in-depth study of a 12-mile section of Interstate 81, along with information about the next steps in a comprehensive planning process to develop improvements for the I-81 corridor in the Syracuse area. Comments on the report can be sent via email to I81Opportunities@dot.ny.gov or mailed to New York State Department of Transportation, I-81 Corridor Study Comments, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12232. Comments will carry forward into the next phases of planning and environmental review. The public comment period runs through Monday, July 8. Click here to read the I-81 Corridor Study Report.
Spring 2013
- The SMTC and the NYSDOT launch the 2013 virtual meeting here starting May 21 through June 11, 2013.
- The SMTC and the NYSDOT host a public meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2013.
Summer 2012
- The SMTC and the NYSDOT publish the May 2012 Public Meeting Summary Report. You can download and read the report and appendices here.
- As part of the transit system analysis for The I-81 Challenge, two transit-related surveys - one for riders and one for non-riders - were conducted at the May 2012 public meeting and in the weeks following the meeting. A summary of the survey results is now available in the resources section of this website.
Spring 2012
- The SMTC hosts a public meeting on Wednesday, May 9, 2012.
- The SMTC launches a virtual meeting in conjunction with the in-person public meeting.
- The SMTC launches a Transit Survey.
Winter 2011
- The SMTC publishes White Paper #2, highlighting community input to date. You can download and read the report and appendices here.
Fall 2011
- The SMTC and the NYSDOT publish the May 2011 Public Workshops Summary Report. You can download and read the report and appendices here.
- The Fall 2011 Newsletter is released. Click here to download a copy.
- Results for the Spring 2011 I-81 Challenge Questionnaire are now available. Click here to learn more.
- The project blog and Facebook page continue to provide updates on project milestones, public involvement opportunities, and relevant case study information.
Spring 2011
- The SMTC and the NYSDOT hold the first round of public workshops for The I-81 Challenge during the first week of May.
- The virtual workshop is available 24/7. It is designed to replicate the in-person workshops.
- The Spring 2011 Newsletter is released. Click here to download a copy.
- The I-81 Challenge is now on Facebook. Visit the page.
- The SMTC has produced a two-part video series about I-81. Watch the videos here.
Winter 2011
The SMTC launches a new Blog to engage a broader audience in The I-81 Challenge. Read about project updates, case studies, event announcements, among other things. Check it out here.
- Two new committees formed to strengthen communication channels throughout the Syracuse region. The Community Liaison Committee (CLC) is made up of representatives from various local community organizations and the Municipal Liaison Committee (MLC) consists of representatives of municipalities within the SMTC planning area. To read more about the role of these committees, click here.
- NYSDOT publishes the first major technical document of The I-81 Challenge, Tech Memo #1: Physical Conditions Analysis. The Tech Memo documents existing physical conditions in the I-81 corridor. To read more about major findings from the Tech Memo, click here.
- New questionnaire launched to gather feedback on how people use I-81, how they feel it affects the region, and what they want to achieve with its future.
- The SMTC recruits for a Community Liaison Committee to provide input on community concerns, as well as help get the word out about The I-81 Challenge. All organizations with an interest in the future of I-81 were encouraged to submit an application by January 31, 2011.
- New - Get project updates sent straight to your inbox with SMTC's new email announcements.
Fall 2010
- New - Watch WCNY's three-part series examining The I-81 Challenge – Get the full story behind one the most important projects in our region's future. See all three episodes: Learn 'The History' (27 minutes), get 'The Plan' (27 minutes), and hear 'The People Speak' (27 minutes). This series is part of WNET's Blueprint America investigating the state of America's critical infrastructure.
- New www.thei81challenge.org website launched – SMTC has recently launched a revised website for The I-81 Challenge. The new site includes a fresh new look and will incorporate more interactive features to engage the public.
- New project team to lead The I-81 Challenge Public Participation effort Phase 2 and 3 – SMTC has contracted with Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates (HSH), a nationally-recognized leader in public involvement, to manage the Phase 2 and Phase 3 Public Participation effort for the I-81 Challenge over the next 18 months. Assisting HSH are sub-consultants C&S Engineers and Resource Systems Group (RSG).
- The SMTC releases a report on Case Studies for Urban Freeways - This report examines the challenges faced by other cities and regions with urban freeways. Eleven completed projects and eight projects in the planning or design stage are included in the report.